Martin Suter 2024
Swiss Wetplate2024-09-22T12:54:45+02:00September 22nd, 2024|Categories: Portrait, aktuell, Studio|Tags: author, books, martin suter|
A Timeless Portrait: Martin Suter Captured on Collodion Wet Plate by Wim van der Helm in Zurich Zurich 2024, with its elegant blend of history and modernity, was the perfect backdrop for an extraordinary portrait session
Clemens Kuratle
Wim van der Helm2024-09-22T12:33:24+02:00September 29th, 2023|Categories: Collodion, Portrait, Studio|Tags: drums, musician|
Clemens Kuratle Recently I had the pleasure to photograph Clemens Kuratle, the formidable drummer, improviser and composer. Clemens leads and writes for bands, accompanies musicians and songwriters. He gets involved in the process of creating, arranging and recording
make your own silver tank
Swiss Wetplate2024-01-14T13:08:33+01:00März 20th, 2023|Categories: Collodion, Photo Chemistry, Troubleshooting, update|
How to make your own wetplate silver tank This is a Collodion Silver Nitrate Tank. The design holds a bit less than 1 Liter of Silvernitrat. Thats good for plates up to 18 cm x 24 cm. You
Multiblitz MAREW Blitzröhre Verkauf / Tausch
Swiss Wetplate2024-02-19T16:11:09+01:00Januar 14th, 2023|Categories: Collodion, Studio|Tags: BL-32, Magnolite, MAREW, Multiblitz|
Multiblitz warmton Blitzröhre MAREW zu verkaufen oder Tausch gegen eine MARER Klarton Blitzröhre möglich. Diese Multiblitz warmton Blitzröhre (flash tube MAREW) ist für einen Magnolite BL Blitzkopf (derzeit in BL-32, passt auch BL-40). Die Blitzröhre ist voll funktionsfähig, getestet